Yesterday, November 16, 2024, your new Secretariat met via Zoom. I was intuitively led to wait to speak to you for reasons I am not quite sure. I have tried to listen to that inaudible quiet voice.
My heart has always been tied to the SC Via de Cristo group of brothers and sisters and its mission no matter where I lived. My focus since my weekend # 11 February 1996 has been to give back so the unconditional love, Grace, and total forgiveness I truly felt clearly then can continue reaching others. That weekend began a Grace filled journey to reconnect with Linda and move toward Hospital Chaplaincy as well as other Spirit driven surprises along the way.
So, what can you anticipate from me this year? I am a communicator dedicated to truth and transparency. My management style is to allow those who are in their job title to do their work. I do not have all the answers therefore I am not a micromanager. Your forward-thinking solution driven Secretariate just might surprise everyone. We will work together to do all we can to make good decisions to benefit everyone.
However, it does not stop there, and it should not if we are to grow and expand as a community. You and I have been Spiritually challenged when each of us received our Cross. Do you remember the spoken words? “Christ is counting on you!” And our response was, “I am counting on Christ!”
Are you being quietly nudged to get involved by becoming a member of the upcoming March Co-Ed Weekend, or to help by serving with the Secretariat committees, or to restart your 4th Day Walk, or right now, who do you know who might benefit by experiencing what you did on your weekend, or can you invest financially by donating to the SCVDC treasury? There are so many opportunities. Pick one!
From time to time, you will hear from me. More often you will hear from John Ballentine, your Communication Chair, and other Secretariate members.
Soon, you will be receiving from John via email your Time and Talent Sheet. Please do not set it aside. Let the eyes of your heart read it and then choose “the something you can do.”
As your humble servant, I ask for your continued prayers and the new 2025 Secretariat that our eyes will be open to His will.
If you have any questions, concerns, and/or thoughts, please do not hesitate to reach out to me. I am available!
Cell: 828-388-2391
God Loves you, and so do I!
Gus Martschink
Lay Director